Source: DTN News - - This article compiled by K. V. Seth
(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - February 27, 2014: Today - August 3, while opening my FB (Facebook) earlier this morning, I was amazed to see the esteemed beauty of 15th century Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, posted or tagged by a very dear friend, I address him AMIT DADA (Amitava Chatterjee).
I feel we are blessed with hi-tech and technology era and the internet, which is a gold or better platinum mines of knowledge as well free of charge available at your command.
Back on track, on the above aspect., I usually acknowledge the receipt of a posting on my Facebook.
"Thanks Dada., the famous painting of the Creation of Adam by Michelangelo. I saw the related movie - The Agony and the Ecstasy, was released in 1965 casting Charlton Heston, Rex Harrison and Diane Cilento.
Dada, since ADAM is the centrepoint on this aspect, I may add Adam & Eve are listed as having three children named Cain, Abel and SETH.
Another interesting aspect I like to share with you, last Olympics ~ 2008 Beijing opening ceremony was on Aug 8, 2008 my BIRTHDAY, 2012 London on July 27 is my elder brother Guru Dev Seth's BIRTHDAY and 2016 Rio de Janeiro (?).
Take care and kind regards
Karam Seth"
What a freak of a coincidence with an amazing twist of similarity from the conception of Human kind to the current World Largest Sports Events, the four letter words S E T H is in variably connected. Is it True or Fiction ?

(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - February 27, 2014: Today - August 3, while opening my FB (Facebook) earlier this morning, I was amazed to see the esteemed beauty of 15th century Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, posted or tagged by a very dear friend, I address him AMIT DADA (Amitava Chatterjee).
I feel we are blessed with hi-tech and technology era and the internet, which is a gold or better platinum mines of knowledge as well free of charge available at your command.
Back on track, on the above aspect., I usually acknowledge the receipt of a posting on my Facebook.
"Thanks Dada., the famous painting of the Creation of Adam by Michelangelo. I saw the related movie - The Agony and the Ecstasy, was released in 1965 casting Charlton Heston, Rex Harrison and Diane Cilento.
Dada, since ADAM is the centrepoint on this aspect, I may add Adam & Eve are listed as having three children named Cain, Abel and SETH.
Another interesting aspect I like to share with you, last Olympics ~ 2008 Beijing opening ceremony was on Aug 8, 2008 my BIRTHDAY, 2012 London on July 27 is my elder brother Guru Dev Seth's BIRTHDAY and 2016 Rio de Janeiro (?).
Take care and kind regards
Karam Seth"
What a freak of a coincidence with an amazing twist of similarity from the conception of Human kind to the current World Largest Sports Events, the four letter words S E T H is in variably connected. Is it True or Fiction ?